I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
You cool your bed-warm hands down on the broken radiator,
And when you lay them freezing on me, I mumble "can you wake me later?"
But I don't really want you to stop and you know it so it doesn't stop you
And run your hands from my neck to my chest
Crack the shutters open wide, I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you
It's been minutes, it's been days, it's been all I will remember
Happy lost in your hair and the cold side of the pillow
Your hills and valleys are mapped by my intrepid fingers
And in a naked slumber, I dream all this again
Crack the shutters open wide, I wanna bathe you in the light of day
And just watch you as the rays tangle up around your face and body
I could sit for hours finding new ways to be awed each minute
Cuz' the daylight seems to want you just as much as I want you
Snow Patrol-Crack the shutters
Åh denna underbara låt, helt galet fin är den! Lyssnar på den fyra gånger varje morgon påväg till skolan haha jag är sinnessjuk. Passar på Lillhagens rättspsyk.
Failade tentan(kan lika gärna erkänna det högt) med ETT JÄVLA YNKA POÄNG. Har grämt mig hela dagen och känt för att hugga av skallen typ. Sen köpte jag en tunika och en väst och insåg att jag har så mycket fina människor omkring mig och jag är inte dödssjuk så jag borde vara glad. Kanske berodde på shoppingen mest men ändå... Hihi
bild från vintras med min babe!